Abuse Hides in the Dark. Turn on Your Light.

Domestic Abuse Stories

  • Stories of Abuse in Video, Music, & Audio

    Stories of Abuse in Video, Music, & Audio

    If you want to watch and listen to true stories of abuse, you’re on the right page. We’re no longer taking submissions, but I think you’ll enjoy the different presentations listed below. Survivors’ Music Playlist Need some music to feel better? Start with this playlist. Similar Pages


  • Domestic Abuse Art

    Domestic Abuse Art

    Survivor Art, Drawings, and Doodles Similar Pages


  • Stories of Leaving Abuse

    Stories of Leaving Abuse

    Planning to Leave Abuse Stories of leaving abuse are essential because it’s too easy to think “Leaving is for the lucky and the strong! That’s not my situation…” This collection of stories of leaving abuse is different because it tells you how others left abusive relationships despite feeling weak and disadvantaged. Planning for and then leaving abuse is empowering.…


  • Stories of Living with Abuse

    Stories of Living with Abuse

    Sharing Stories of Abuse Serves a Greater Purpose The authors of these abuse stories hope to help you learn from their experiences. Their stories of abuse leave me in awe of what evil abusers carry out. Every story is unique but eerily similar to all the others. The common thread is the abuser’s need to control and their…


  • True Stories of Abuse

    True Stories of Abuse

    We are no longer accepting submissions. But you’ll find our collection of true stories of abuse helpful. Here are some stories from people just like you: Why Do We Share True Stories of Abuse? True stories of abuse are important for several reasons: Overall, true stories of abuse are an important tool for creating awareness,…


  • Lena’s Story of Abuse

    How Lena Realized Her Partner Abused Her When I couldn’t express my feelings without being made wrong, every time I tried to do that he would say that is my fault because I am depressed. Even my concerns about the things he said, did, like when he reported me falsely, I said it made me…


  • Maria’s Story of Abuse

    Maria’s Story of Abuse

    How Maria Realized Her Partner Abused Her When I found out about his psychological manipulation, his behavior changed depending on what he wanted to achieve or do with me. Words Maria Chose to Describe the Emotional Abuse Fear, Hopelessness, Wished for Death Maria’s Story of Abuse It took me 10 years and 2 children to…


  • Jane’s Story of Leaving Domestic Abuse

    Jane’s Story of Leaving Domestic Abuse

    What happened that made you decide to leave? I finally decided to leave for good after nearly four years together, when the cycle of abuse kept escalating from after the first year of being together. I went back to him, with him apologizing and re-introducing the honeymoon period, to the tension-building, that lead to abuse…


  • April’s Story of Abuse

    April’s Story of Abuse

    How April Realized Her Partner Abused Her He calls me names like bitch, cunt, slut, whore, lazy, fat. Words April Chose to Describe the Emotional Abuse Anger, Embarrassment and Pain April’s Story of Abuse When he doesn’t get his way, he calls me down and makes threats about moving out and leaving me. Says he’s…


  • Jamie B’s Story – Leaving Abuse

    Jamie B’s Story – Leaving Abuse

    What happened that made you decide to leave? I was this with this man for 6 years and he was perfect for 2 years. Then one day, he started to change. I figured okay it’s hormones and it’ll not go crazy. Nope, I was wrong. His behavior just got worse so I had no choice…
