Abuse Hides in the Dark. Turn on Your Light.

This Didn’t Help End Abuse

  • Staying in an Abusive Relationship

    Staying in an Abusive Relationship

    Staying Is a Choice You Can Make Staying in an abusive relationship is a choice some of us make. But when you’re staying in an abusive relationship, you won’t find much support from your family or friends–if your abuser hasn’t isolated you from them–or even domestic violence helping agencies. People who would like to support…


  • Explained Myself to End Verbal Abuse

    Explained Myself to End Verbal Abuse

    He knows what he is doing. There is no empathy for “fucking whores” & he redirects my pain to the business of being married. Insurance & meaningless emails.


  • I Called My Local Sheriff’s Department (Non-Emergency)

    I Called My Local Sheriff’s Department (Non-Emergency)

    I called the Sheriff’s department and spoke with the person in charge of domestic violence cases. I wanted to find out as much as I could about the process that occurs after calling the police to a domestic disturbance. Knowing what could happen if you call the police can give you the courage to actually…


  • I Tried Marriage Counseling

    I Tried Marriage Counseling

    Marriage counseling is designed for couples who have a failure in communication or emotional connection. Abuse is NOT a communication failure, nor is it lacking an emotional connection. Abuse twists up love into an unrecognizable mass that both people mistakenly still call love. Abuse is not love, and abuse does not allow a relationship to…


  • I’m in Long-Term Counseling

    I’m in Long-Term Counseling

    Find “the right” counselor. You get to decide who is the right counselor, no one else. If you don’t feel comfortable with a therapist after three visits, continue counseling but start looking for a better match. There are different kinds of therapies available to you. I recommend one that deals with the here and now…


  • Received Counseling from the Army’s Morale Welfare and Recreation Program

    Received Counseling from the Army’s Morale Welfare and Recreation Program

    If you press charges and go to court and your military spouse is found guilty, you’ll receive counseling and other services and the soldier will most likely receive a Dishonorable Discharge. If the soldier is found guilty of domestic violence in court, victims of domestic violence qualify for Transitional Compensation (Financial). In my case, that…


  • Attended Domestic Violence Support Groups

    Attended Domestic Violence Support Groups

    Abusers, when you think about it, are truly ridiculous people. Everything they saw we are, they are. Abusers project their worst fears about themselves onto us and then hate us for representing their fear. Support groups help you see this and can give back your sense of humor.


  • I Told Everyone About the Abuse

    I Told Everyone About the Abuse

    This outreach benefits me every day. I no longer feel alone or voiceless. Because of reaching out on my blog, I found the courage to locate domestic violence organizations in my local area for face to face help. Groups and counselors who know about domestic abuse are invaluable to recovery (and simply getting through the…


  • Sobriety Fixes Nothing

    Sobriety Fixes Nothing

    Drinking only lowers inhibitions – it lets you be “more you” and gives the abuser permission to abuse.


  • I’m Hoping The Abuse Will Resolve Itself

    I’m Hoping The Abuse Will Resolve Itself

    Hope is wonderful when you wish for it not to rain on a picnic. Hope is grand for tossing the dice. Hope does not work when you want to end domestic abuse.
