Abuse Hides in the Dark. Turn on Your Light.

Dating Violence

  • Too Fast Too Soon: A Commitment Red Flag

    Too Fast Too Soon: A Commitment Red Flag

    The too fast too soon red flag I mention in the following video has to do with If you feel either way, it is important to slow down. Take a breath alone. Let things settle. That person isn’t going anywhere if they are truly in love with you. Transcript Hello, my name is Kellie Jo Holly,…


  • Top 12 Signs of Abuse in Your Future

    Top 12 Signs of Abuse in Your Future

    What are the signs of abuse to watch out for when you meet a new guy or gal? We know you cannot tell who will abuse you by looking at them. Most likely, if the new person in your life is an abuser, they will sweep you off your feet and make you feel like…


  • Emotional Drama Is Not Love

    Emotional Drama Is Not Love

    Emotional Drama Is an Abuser’s Smoke and Mirrors Emotional drama is not love. It is manufactured by the abuser during the initial attachment period. Emotional drama allows the abuser to use smoke and mirrors to disguise their true intentions. They want to place you under a false-love spell. The abuser overacts the “love” they feel…


  • How to Avoid Abuse In Future Relationships

    How to Avoid Abuse In Future Relationships

    Get Clear on What You Expect from a Relationship You experienced an abusive relationship before, and your favorite personal goal is to avoid abuse entirely in every relationship from now on. Unfortunately, your experience tells you that you could be in love before you find out that your new mate is abusive! You’re smart enough to know that abusive people keep their…


  • Domestic Violence Response Strategy Saves Lives-Take a Quiz

    Domestic Violence Response Strategy Saves Lives-Take a Quiz

    Fatalities from domestic violence cases in Maryland are down 30% thanks to a simple 16 question checklist and a call to the National Domestic Violence Hotline at the time of the 911 call response. After the officer gives the quiz, she or he calls a number that allows the victim to talk to the National…


  • Honor Your Fear and Act

    Honor Your Fear and Act

    If you are afraid, there is a reason.  Explore it before you’re in imminent danger.  Even if your abuser has never laid a hand on you, if your intuition tells you something is going to happen, trust yourself. I’ve found two books that said that the best indicator of future domestic violence is the victim’s…


  • Alexandria’s Story — Leaving an Abusive Relationship

    Alexandria’s Story — Leaving an Abusive Relationship

    Leaving wasn’t really planned. I had just had enough. Threatening me with my life was the final straw and it scared me to death, so I told my parents and I told him I wished him the best and I hoped he had a wonderful life. And then I thanked him for showing me what…


  • It’s All You

    Blame causes the victim to believe the abuse is their fault. The abuser claims, “You made me do that!” and “I wouldn’t lose my temper if you …!” Don’t believe it. If you were powerful enough to “make” them yell at you, then why aren’t you powerful enough to “make” them be nice to you?


  • About Abuse

    About Abuse

    What Are Other Words for Abuse? You might hear abuse called many things: Who Is Abused? Abusers target any person (adult or child) regardless of age, race, religion, education level, IQ, economic background, culture, or community status. Who Gets It Worse, Men or Women? As a society, we tend to assume that abusers are men…
