Abuse Hides in the Dark. Turn on Your Light.

Maria’s Story of Abuse

Maria discovered her partner psychologically abuses her, and she's in the process of making a plan to escape. Learn why she wished for death in this story.

How Maria Realized Her Partner Abused Her

Maria discovered her partner psychologically abuses her, and she's in the process of making a plan to escape. Learn why she wished for death in this story.When I found out about his psychological manipulation, his behavior changed depending on what he wanted to achieve or do with me.

Words Maria Chose to Describe the Emotional Abuse

Fear, Hopelessness, Wished for Death

Maria’s Story of Abuse

It took me 10 years and 2 children to realize I was in an abusive relationship. That awareness made me feel panicked, stuck, no hope, no solutions, no future, no life. How didn’t I realized that all my symptoms had to do with the abuse I was experiencing. Who is this person?

He rarely hit me, he did not need to as I was doing all he wanted.

I became a silent person. Closed inside. First time I realized I was in trouble was when by coincidence I was watching the movie “Sleeping with the Enemy” and I started crying. I saw myself there escaping with a wig on, on a bus. It took me 2 years to calm down and be able to elaborate a plan.

I became a master in recognizing his tactics but also I became a master in recognizing his weak points. By focusing on those, I wrote out a plan that is taking me to where I want to be. He controlled all my finances, isolated me and faked he was a listener… all to get the info he needed to get me where he wanted me to be.

Hell. A nightmare. The fact that I have 2 children (daughters) empowers me to fight in silence.

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Are you abused? Submit your story of abuse and download this safety plan. Did you leave an abusive relationship? Tell us how you did it at How I Left Abuse.

If you need some help healing from your abusive relationship, visit Domestic Abuse Survivor Help — Get Support.

See Also:




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