Abuse Hides in the Dark. Turn on Your Light.

Verbal Abuse Symptoms

  • Diagnosing PTSD with the DSM-5

    Diagnosing PTSD with the DSM-5

    Criteria Clusters in Diagnosing PTSD The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition), tells us there are eight criteria for diagnosing PTSD. The three criteria that must be present for a PTSD diagnosis are: Diagnosing PTSD Criterion Cluster 1 Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence in one…


  • Flat-Lining in Domestic Abuse Recovery

    Flat-Lining in Domestic Abuse Recovery

    Stephen Covey says to “live out of your imagination, not your history.” Depression, suicidal thoughts, hate, despair and hopelessness result when I live out of the mindset of my past. It’s as if he is abusing me all over again.


  • I Left My Abusive Marriage: Why Am I Still In A Mental Fog?

    I Left My Abusive Marriage: Why Am I Still In A Mental Fog?

    I left my abusive marriage just like Susan, the author of the story below. Focusing on this part of her story is important because although staying in an abusive relationship isn’t easy, living after leaving one isn’t easy either. It’s wonderful to think that after leaving abuse life will go straight back to normal. But…


  • My Abusive Marriage Recap

    My Abusive Marriage Recap

    While reorganizing this website, I came across some pages that don’t fit the site any longer. But I didn’t want to get rid of their brief synopses of the abuse suffered through the years. So I thought I’d add them to a brand new page and see if brevity works as well as a deep…


  • Verbal Abuse Symptoms In Long-Term Relationships

    Verbal Abuse Symptoms In Long-Term Relationships

    Do you have these verbal abuse symptoms? If you are depressed, anxious, lonely or feel you do not know who you are anymore, or many other debilitating conditions both mental and physical, you might be a victim of verbal abuse and domestic abuse or violence.


  • Abuse Is Never Love But I Wanted It to Be

    What I didn’t understand at the time was that if Will wanted to lash out at me, it did not matter what I said or did or how I said or did it. The purpose of yelling at me, accusing me of lying, telling me I was a horrid mother, insisting I was cheating and…


  • How Does Witnessing Domestic Abuse Affect Children?

    How Does Witnessing Domestic Abuse Affect Children?

    Our family is and was dysfunctional as they grew up. The effects of Will’s and my behaviors affected them greatly but in very different ways. However, they are not children anymore and I want to give them more privacy than I did when they were “my babies” and minors growing up in abuse.


  • Explained Myself to End Verbal Abuse

    Explained Myself to End Verbal Abuse

    He knows what he is doing. There is no empathy for “fucking whores” & he redirects my pain to the business of being married. Insurance & meaningless emails.


  • I Feel Ashamed of My PTSD Diagnosis

    I Feel Ashamed of My PTSD Diagnosis

    A couple of weeks ago, I received a second mental health diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I’ve long wondered if my symptoms added up to PTSD but knowing that a psychiatrist believes I have PTSD affected me. Negatively. Being diagnosed with PTSD affected me negatively. There. I said it. It makes me feel powerless.…


  • Living in My Abusive Marriage

    Living in My Abusive Marriage

    Living with abuse is horrible. I wish I could go back to the days when I thought I was a bad person or mentally ill. At least then I only had to fix myself.
