Abuse Hides in the Dark. Turn on Your Light.

Domestic Violence with Children

  • How Does Witnessing Domestic Abuse Affect Children?

    How Does Witnessing Domestic Abuse Affect Children?

    Our family is and was dysfunctional as they grew up. The effects of Will’s and my behaviors affected them greatly but in very different ways. However, they are not children anymore and I want to give them more privacy than I did when they were “my babies” and minors growing up in abuse.


  • Lisa – Leaving Abuse

    Lisa – Leaving Abuse

    Leaving abuse became complicated for Lisa when she realized she wanted the ready-made family her abuser provided. She had to leave children behind.


  • Sheri’s Story of Leaving Abuse

    Sheri’s Story of Leaving Abuse

    What happened that made you decide to leave? My therapist asked me why I stayed. I said it was because my daughters needed their father (I didn’t know he was abusing them at the time). He told me they’d end up with someone just like him, I told him they wouldn’t, they’d know better. He…


  • Police Report May Do You No Good

    Police Report May Do You No Good

    Domestic violence and abuse gets complicated FAST. It seems abusers know all the tricks and many states have started arresting both people no matter who reports the incident. No matter what, if you are a victim, you should call the police, but think twice if you physically attacked first.


  • Mothers Separated From Children: One Way to Connect If The Abuser Wins Custody

    Mothers Separated From Children: One Way to Connect If The Abuser Wins Custody

    And if you do lose custody, “a study of cases brought to appeal showed reversals in the mothers’ favor when domestic violence was considered” (Daniel Saunders, PhD). So always appeal an initial horrible judgment, and find an attorney who is well-versed in domestic violence from the get go.


  • Letters About Abuse

    Letters About Abuse

    In the months after leaving my abusive husband, there was so much I wanted to explain to my boys! My oldest son’s anger was heavy and dense. I could reach out and touch my youngest son’s broken heart on his sleeve. I wanted so badly to explain my side of things…but I couldn’t.


  • Joe’s Story of Abuse

    Joe’s Story of Abuse

    Joe’s Signs of Being Abused My turning point came when Mom’s family intervened and Dad started getting in trouble for his behavior. When I lived with Mom’s family, I realized that there was another way to live and love. Joe’s Emotional Signs of Abuse Afraid, Sad, Lonely Joe’s Story of Abuse My memories are like an old thriller that keeps replaying…


  • Gina’s Story of Abuse

    Gina’s Story of Abuse

    Gina’s Signs of Being Abused Something felt terribly wrong. I did research about what I was experiencing online and came across some websites that described what I was experiencing was abuse from a narcissist. When I read The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to recognize it and how to respond by Patricia Evans, I found that my abuser said…


  • Mike’s Story of Abuse

    Mike’s Story of Abuse

    Mike’s Signs of Being Abused I eventually realized it was a bad situation. Mike’s Emotional Signs of Abuse Sadness, Anger, Guilt Mike’s Story of Abuse The Broken Child Your voice was like thunder that rocked my room and my world. It shook my soul and crushed my spirit. Where it came from doesn’t matter. You…


  • Brian’s Story of Abuse

    Brian’s Signs of Being Abused For a 3-year-old growing up in an abusive home . . . the arguments, screaming and violence became too much to bear! Brian’s Emotional Signs of Abuse Fear, Anxiety, and Hurt Brian’s Story of Abuse Domestic assault is all about control; the most insidious state a husband and wife can descend to. From…
