Our family is and was dysfunctional as they grew up. The effects of Will’s and my behaviors affected them greatly but in very different ways. However, they are not children anymore and I want to give them more privacy than I did when they were “my babies” and minors growing up in abuse.
And if you do lose custody, “a study of cases brought to appeal showed reversals in the mothers’ favor when domestic violence was considered” (Daniel Saunders, PhD). So always appeal an initial horrible judgment, and find an attorney who is well-versed in domestic violence from the get go.
In the months after leaving my abusive husband, there was so much I wanted to explain to my boys! My oldest son’s anger was heavy and dense. I could reach out and touch my youngest son’s broken heart on his sleeve. I wanted so badly to explain my side of things…but I couldn’t.
VerbalAbuseJournals.com is mostly inactive on social media these days. But you can find Kellie Jo Holly, now Kellie Jo Close, in various places:
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