Stephen Covey says to “live out of your imagination, not your history.” Depression, suicidal thoughts, hate, despair and hopelessness result when I live out of the mindset of my past. It’s as if he is abusing me all over again.
I left my abusive marriage just like Susan, the author of the story below. Focusing on this part of her story is important because although staying in an abusive relationship isn’t easy, living after leaving one isn’t easy either. It’s wonderful to think that after leaving abuse life will go straight back to normal. But…
I tweet and post on Facebook hoping to give you all valuable information that you can use. The stories tell of Verbal Abuse Journals tweets under #exposeDV unless it just won’t fit in the character limit. Our twitter handle is @abuse_journals – please follow. The Verbal Abuse Journals Facebook page showcases Janet’s messages (she’s our mentor manager)…
Escaping abuse means turning your life upside down, but the trouble of escaping abuse is well worth it if you know what to expect when you go. Read my new post at titled Escaping Abuse: 5 Things Your Therapist Won’t Tell You
Hindsight shows me my mistakes in thinking. It shows me how my love for him blinded me. Maybe if you can see my hindsight before it happens to you, you’ll get OUT. I now understand that no choice he presented to me would end the abuse. I left the Army-abuse continued. Got pregnant-abuse continued. Doing…
Anyone experiencing repeated traumas as with domestic abuse can be triggered unexpectedly. Even so, identifying triggers leads us to better mental health because once we identify the triggers, we can stop them from hurting us.
The effects of abuse last longer than I hoped. I am healing from it, but memories continue to assault my mind. I just want to be healed. Now. is mostly inactive on social media these days. But you can find Kellie Jo Holly, now Kellie Jo Close, in various places:
We recommend you follow Domestic Abuse Survivor Help for relationship abuse help. Get in touch with DASH at: