The idea to make a website documenting the verbal abuse and my reactions/thoughts relating to it came to me around the time I realized it was happening – about October or November of last year (2008). I never hid the fact that I was making a website about verbal abuse from my husband.
In fact, he passed behind me often, glancing over my shoulder and making “tsking” sounds when he saw in FrontPage. If he was upset and found me working on the site, he’s say, “What a load of bullshit,” or something to that effect as he walked behind me. In addition, he would use my computer (rarely, but it happened more than once) when I had the website open.
My point is that I never hid the fact that I was making this site. I never hid it from him. I told him after I made it “live” that the website was now officially online. I didn’t make this site in secret, I didn’t try to hide the fact that I was creating the site, and I told him when it was online and ready to go.
So why was he so surprised and upset when he ran across it yesterday?
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