Abuse Hides in the Dark. Turn on Your Light.

Hurting the Boy And Blaming Me

"What is HE doing in here?" Will said. Then he hit Eddie's arm hard and said, "BOY, go get in your OWN damn bed!" Eddie got up in the dark, made his way to the door quietly crying, and walked out.

What is HE doing in here?" Will said. Then he hit Eddie's arm hard and said, BOY, go get in your OWN damn bed!Eddie opened the door, crept to my side of the bed, and crawled in. I turned to Eddie to hold him. Just as I was about to fall asleep, Will turned to me to put his arm over me (sex signal) and felt Eddie’s arm too.

“What is HE doing in here?” Will said. Then he hit Eddie’s arm hard and said, “BOY, go get in your OWN damn bed!” Eddie got up in the dark, made his way to the door quietly crying, and walked out.

Will said, “Why was HE in here?”

I said, “I told him that if he woke up at night, he could always come in here.”

Will said, “You’re HURTing him. You’re going aGAINST everything you told him in front of ME that night!”

I said, “No, I’m not. You obviously don’t remember what I said that night.”

Will said, “You’re FUCKin’ him UP!”

I said, “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

I felt really badly for Eddie. I had told him that he could always come to me if he woke up in the night. On the other hand, I don’t think he ever really tried to go to sleep – I think I THOUGHT he was sleeping when I got out of his bed to go to my own. There just wasn’t enough time elapsed for him to have been asleep, wake up, and try to go back to sleep but ultimately decide to come to my room.

I also think Will faked surprise at finding Eddie in the bed. Eddie wasn’t quiet when he came in our room. I’m not certain Will was asleep when the boy walked in and crawled in bed. And that would mean that Will planned to hit Eddie. I wasn’t an “accident”. I let Eddie go to his room alone, fearing what would happen if I followed him. I didn’t hear Eddie crying, but I could feel it.

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I Respect Him Less

Bat Shit Crazy is Better Than Abused

We Had a Bad Day