“Releasing and healing parental and spousal emotional abuse and sexual abuse will do more for improving your diet and life than just about anything else.” ~from How To Naturally Beat Metabolic Syndrome
I believe that statement is true (although I’m not spending money on the diet the site promotes!).
As I unwrap layers and years of unhealthy thinking, I’m finding that I have more energy, more self-love, more time to think about what I’m doing to and putting into my body.
With that extra energy, I’ve noticed that I make a lot of (rotten) habitual choices when it comes to food.
For example, I don’t eat all day before I have to run some errands. So, what’s my first stop when I leave the house? Typically Taco Bell. “Hey – I can’t go to the grocery store hungry!” I tell myself.
Fact is, I didn’t have to leave the house hungry. The amount of food I throw away each month proves it.
I’m not to the point where I am ACTING on my realizations concerning food and physical fitness, but as these “rotten body habits” are starting to form a pile in my mind, I know that I’m about to start changing those habits.
And because I’m unwrapping layers of energy-sapping thoughts, I know I’m going to have the energy I desire to tackle those rotten habits very soon.
So, unwrap a layer of yourself so the good stuff can get in you!