Abuse Hides in the Dark. Turn on Your Light.

Website Launch Press Release

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Anonymous Writer Publishes Her Journals of Verbal and Emotional Abuse

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A wife and mother of two struggles to break free from the clutches of verbal, emotional and mental abuse after discovering her 17 years of marriage problems were actually domestic abuse issues. Her website reveals the devastation of her experience and recent realization that she has been participating in her own abuse. She’s now deciding if she can salvage her marriage or if it is too late to forgive.

Fayetteville, NC (Verbal Abuse Journals) June 5, 2009 — Kellie Jo Holly’s website, http://verbalabusejournals.com, reveals her experience with the verbal and emotional abuse she has experienced throughout 17 years of marriage. She decided to release her journals publicly in October 2008 after realizing that she and her teenage sons were suffering abuse meted out in steady and increasingly violent doses by the man she promised to love.

Mrs. Holly uses a pen name to write anonymously as the military wife of a soldier stationed in the Fort Bragg area of Fayetteville, NC. Her journals travel back to the beginning months of her military marriage and document the confusion, heartbreak, misunderstanding, and crazy-making that plague her and abused women in general. She hopes that her journals will help to validate other abuse victims’ experiences and encourage them to seek help for the resulting complicated issues relating to their abuse without shame or fear.

Her experience includes constant verbal, emotional, and mental abuse with an instance of marital sexual abuse and three instances of physical abuse, the latest in December 2009, suffered when her husband found himself losing control of her thoughts and actions.

Kellie Jo Holly
